The most severe environmental storm in the history is coming,China PCB manufacturers DON’T GIVE UP
Since the third season of 2016,the PCB price rise all the time,the main reason is the copper foil price rise and supplying volume rise slower than the demand volume,some PCB manufacturers have to follow the market and rise price,I believe the China PCB manufacturers don’t want to do that,but the marked required that.
According to the analysis of industry professionals, with the grown of new energy vehicle, power battery has brought more than 10 times demand for raw materials than the 3C battery , copper foil as negative carrier and current collector of the electronic core,the market demand is very big.And the passenger cars requires increasingly high demands on the energy density, high precision copper foil manufacturing enterprises will have more and more highlighting the advantages.
It is reported that from July this year, Kingboard chemical, Shengyi shares, iteq, South Asia, Taiwan photoelectric CCL Dachang have issued a notice of price increases, Jinan International, also have raised the price sheet gergo. The PCB material sheet price change every day, the raw material copper plate rose directly affect the cost of PCB, the PCB factory really don’t have profit, I am afraid the PCB factories have to rise price too.
Now, PCB manufacturers rise price with pain, and a series of complaints from downstream. In recent years, the PCB industry had very big competition,China's PCB industry average gross margin is about 15%-18%. It can be said that the PCB industry has become a veritable Red Sea market.