With the rapid development of mobile phone, electronics, telecommunications and other industries,it prompted the PCB circuit boards industry strength and growth,and people have higher requirement for the PCB components layers,weight, precision,material,colour and reliability
But because of the competition of the market price,the cost of PCB material is also on the rise,more and more manufacturers in order to enhance the core competitiveness, and monopolize the market with low price.And the cost comes from the low cost material and change the production process,but the PCB circuit boards always have crack or scratch,and its precision and capacity is not achieve the requirement,and it will influence the reliability and assembly capacity much.
In the face of the many different PCBs in the market,how to distinguish the quality of PCB can start with two aspects,one is from surface of the PCB,and the other is from PCB quality specification requirements.
But because of the competition of the market price,the cost of PCB material is also on the rise,more and more manufacturers in order to enhance the core competitiveness, and monopolize the market with low price.And the cost comes from the low cost material and change the production process,but the PCB circuit boards always have crack or scratch,and its precision and capacity is not achieve the requirement,and it will influence the reliability and assembly capacity much.
In the face of the many different PCBs in the market,how to distinguish the quality of PCB can start with two aspects,one is from surface of the PCB,and the other is from PCB quality specification requirements.
The way to to distinguish PCB circuit board Quality:
One:From the surface of the PCB citcuit boards
Generally,we can check PCB circuit boards surface from 3 aspects,
1, Size and thickness specification requirement
The PCB has different requirement for its thickness and zise,customers can measure that.
2,Lights and colour
The outside of PCB have oils,and it can protect the PCB,and with as insulation material,if the PCBs colour if not bright,and oil less,the PCB is not good.
3 Solder points surface
Since there are a lot of components on the PCBs,if assembly points is not good,the parts will drop,and it will influence the PCB quality a lot.
Generally,we can check PCB circuit boards surface from 3 aspects,
1, Size and thickness specification requirement
The PCB has different requirement for its thickness and zise,customers can measure that.
2,Lights and colour
The outside of PCB have oils,and it can protect the PCB,and with as insulation material,if the PCBs colour if not bright,and oil less,the PCB is not good.
3 Solder points surface
Since there are a lot of components on the PCBs,if assembly points is not good,the parts will drop,and it will influence the PCB quality a lot.
Two:The high quality PCB circuit boards can meet the below requirement.
1,After assembly,the electronic connect is very good.
2,The track width,thickness,and space meet the requirement,and it can avoid short circuit and power off after use.
3,After the high temperture,the copper will not drop
4,The copper surface will not be be oxidized easily.
5,No extra electromagnetic radiation
6,No sharp distortion,then it will not influence the screw mounting.
7,In high termperture and high humidity environment,it can work well.
1,After assembly,the electronic connect is very good.
2,The track width,thickness,and space meet the requirement,and it can avoid short circuit and power off after use.
3,After the high temperture,the copper will not drop
4,The copper surface will not be be oxidized easily.
5,No extra electromagnetic radiation
6,No sharp distortion,then it will not influence the screw mounting.
7,In high termperture and high humidity environment,it can work well.
Hope this will help you to find your best PCB circuit board suplier.